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顯示具有 월명동WolMyeongDon 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2014年1月27日 星期一


Not doing it with all your <heart>, <will>, and <life> means that you do not use all of your strength, ability, effort, skill, etc. and do it with only a little, partial strength. Whether it is health, eating, exercising, speaking, learning, and all actions, if you do only a little, your life will become either diseased or lethargic, so you will not be able to live a normal life.

「沒有<盡心>、<盡性>、<盡意>去做」是指沒有用盡自己的力量、能力、努力和技術等, 而是只以一部分、一點點的力量來做。不論是健康、飲食、運動、說話、學習或一切行動都一樣, 如果只做一點點, 人就會生病或變得無力, 而無法正常地過生活。